The Homeopathic Symposium

User Registration

Register for The Homeopathic Symposium

In order to protect the confidentiality of the patients who have generously allowed video footage of themselves to be used for teaching, registration is required.

After registering, we will do our best to approve your registration within 48 hours. Upon approval, login instructions along with your username and password will be emailed to the address you enter below. Please make sure you enter a valid email address since this will be used as your username for all correspondence.

IMPORTANT! HS access is restricted to professional Homeopaths, medical professionals, and students currently enrolled in a homeopathy or medical training program. IF YOU ARE A STUDENT please tell us the name of the school/college at which you are enrolled. The Homeopathic Symposium staff will review each individual request for registration, confirming your status. You should expect a reply within 48 hours regarding your eligibility for access to the site. IF WE CANNOT EASILY VERIFY YOUR STATUS IT MAY TAKE LONGER AND WE MAY NEED TO ASK YOU FOR MORE INFORMATION.
We thank you for your understanding and appreciate your interest in The Homeopathic Symposium.

If you have any questions, please call M-F from 9 am to 6 pm EST or leave a message at other times on 1 503-662-7220.

You can also email us at:

Firstname *
Lastname *
Email * (This will be used as your username)
Address *
City *
State/Other *
Country *
Postal code *
Day Phone *
Evening Phone *
Tell Us About Yourself
I am a *
Other *
License Number (Required if you are a Medical Professional)
I am affiliated with
End User Agreement
  I agree to the end user agreement:
  By submitting the information above, I hereby certify that the information provided is true.
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* fields are required

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