The Homeopathic Symposium

Multimedia Tutorials

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Here we offer a collection of presentations on homeopathic practice, philosophy and materia medica, created by respected teachers. These are seminar-quality, narrated tutorials that are designed either to complement the formal study of homeopathy, or to serve as continuing education for established practitioners.

Viewings of Multimedia Tutorials may be purchased individually or as part of a subscription package.

Please review the Homeopathic Symposium System Requirements before viewing the multimedia tutorials.

Minerals, Miasms, and Levels - Dr. Gramlich's presentation at UCLA

Dr. Robert Gramlich's in depth presentation of the mineral remedies brings clarity and insight to the periodic table. Practitioners and students of any methodology will enjoy this beautifully illustrated lecture. For those specifically interested in the Vital Sensation method there is additional material gleaned from Robert's extensive study with Dr. Sankaran and the Bombay group, including explanation of the Levels and the Miasms, where the energy is focused in a case and a brief comparison of the kingdoms.

Practitioner: Dr. Robert Gramlich
Instructor: Dr. Robert Gramlich

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